Is your site easy to use?

Once you have a website up, you may feel your business is up and running and good to go.  Despite being responsive, loading quickly, and uses fantastic marketing videos to sell your business, your site may actually be difficult to use.

If you’re seeing large traffic numbers but few interactions or conversions, then it is time to look at how you present information and what information you present to your potential customers and clients.  This is what in the industry we call UX – User Experience.


It is very important that the design of the website is always consistent. With this, we mean that ideally, once you log in to the website, all the other pages will behave the same way as the others. Navigation, fonts, font sizes, page colours and style should be standardised across all the pages. Too many different modes of operation will confuse the visitor, and cause them to leave the website. This applies also to things like pop-ups, forms, images used on the website etc..

Unique Selling Points

Many sites present USPs to their target audience and so they should.  But some make the mistake of presenting selling points which are hard to relate to. More often than not they also fail to provide real compelling arguments to support the claim their USPs make.  As such they lose credibility.

When identifying USPs, explain why and how something will “enrich your life”, or “inspire”.  What problem does your product or service solve?  How does it do it?  These things give context to your selling point and make a more compelling reason for potential customers and clients to take action.

Help your Customers/Clients Make Informed Buying Choices

When assessing whether or not to buy (a product or a service) there are several elements that must be easily found.  They are:

  • Cost – Nobody is going to buy blind, so why hide it?
  • Product details – all the relevant product details including measurements, sizes, weights, features etc…
  • Service details – what is included, and what is not. It also helps to have other related information such as duration, warranties on services etc…
  • Cancellations/Refunds/Returns – Make this clear as again this is something your customers and clients expect to see. Be clever and use this as a selling point.  “No long term contract”, “Full refunds if you are not happy with the product.”  Provide a clear link to a detailed page so that your customers and clients can make a choice.
  • Warranty terms – what’s covered, what’s not, warranty durations

If these facts are hidden away people get suspicious and this may deter potential buyers.

Contact Details

Some clients and customers may want to talk to you directly.  As such, make your full contact details easy to find.  Most things are easier discussed over the phone than by email, and it is also immediate and talking to a real person will give your potential customer or client confidence in your business and brand.

Call to Actions

Good clear call to actions makes it very easy for your customers and clients to take action.   They should be obvious, immediate, and in the top half of the screen if possible.  You want to implant it in the mind of your customer or client straight away.

It is surprising that some businesses make the call to action hard to find.  Some may go elsewhere in such instances.  Remember that many of your customers and clients are using a mobile phone, and as such your whole UX design needs to be configured for all screen sizes.

In conclusion.

If you feel that your existing website may have UX issues, please get in touch with us.  We offer consultancy services that will help you make your site easier to use, and become a valuable business tool.