We want to bring to your attention an ongoing scam campaign impersonating Storm Design. Currently, reports indicate that this fraudulent activity is taking place through the messaging platform Telegram using the name Gulina Portanier or Clara Lisano (fake names that we are aware of). The scam involves enticing individuals with fake opportunities for additional income, potentially linked to a cryptocurrency scam.
This scam is currently being distributed via Telegram, but please stay vigilant for other potential channels.
Storm Design does not endorse or promote any such income opportunities. If you receive unsolicited messages or encounter suspicious accounts, refrain from providing any personal information. If you have any doubts or queries regarding communication from Storm Design, please contact us directly to verify its authenticity. Your security is our top priority, and we’re here to assist you.
Let’s work together to keep our community safe from scams. Thank you for your understanding and vigilance.